(Osha) Spagyric Tincture Limited Stock !
Ligusticum Porteri
Energetics: Warming, Drying, Pungent, Bitter
Organ Affinities: Respiratory, Circulatory, Immune
Actions: Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Carminative
Elements: Air & Fire
Planetary Correspondence: Mercury
Mythos, Folklore, & Esoterica:
Herbs of Mercury are said to strengthen & nourish the nerves, soothe the heart, and cleanse & uplift the spirit. These herbs are for supporting the nervous system, respiratory system, sensory nerves, thyroid, brain, & operational centers. These herbs may also inspire the ability to speak from the heart. They support us in finding the clarity needed within the internal chaos of emotion & illusion. These herbs also increase the removal of toxins in the respiratory system, making space for prana to flow through. Mercurial herbs may also support those in enhancing their clairvoyance & ability to communicate between the above & below.
Osha root has been a time-honored plant by many indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Its extraordinarily fragrant aromas are indicative of its incredible potency. It was traditionally used for high altitude sickness, colds, coughs, sore throat, cases of influenza, and pneumonia. Not only is this medicine absolutely delicious, but it is also an incredibly medicinal remedy that improves our immunity & overall lung health. This magical plant was typically used for cleansing & purifying spaces. Native American cultures also traditionally worked with Osha Root during sweat lodges to bring more oxygen into the lungs and to remove any negative impurities. This medicine was also seen as a plant talisman that is said to be utilized as a protection tool & to enhance psychic abilities.
Osha Root is also known as “Bear Root“ an emblematic medicine that carries the spirit of the bear. Bear Root was given its name from the observations of tribal peoples witnessing bears consuming this medicine after emerging from Winter’s slumber as a way to stimulate their appetite. Its roots also display the doctrine of signatures with its dark brown and hairy features as another indication of its affinity for the bear.
This particular Osha is sustainably harvested and native to the high altitudes of the San Luis Valley Mountains.
The Ritual: We may feel called to call on these particular archetypes when working with this medicine to assist us in finding our way back home to ourselves. Sacred Bear root, I call on you, allow me to remember how to be in sacred relationship with you. Show me the way of perceiving through the heart, of anchoring my thoughts into the lens of the soul.
INGREDIENTS: Wild-harvested Osha Root, Organic Cane Spirits, & Plant Salts.
DOSAGE: Shake well before use. 30 drops under the tongue, 3x daily.
Bottle Size: 2 oz
Ligusticum Porteri
Energetics: Warming, Drying, Pungent, Bitter
Organ Affinities: Respiratory, Circulatory, Immune
Actions: Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Carminative
Elements: Air & Fire
Planetary Correspondence: Mercury
Mythos, Folklore, & Esoterica:
Herbs of Mercury are said to strengthen & nourish the nerves, soothe the heart, and cleanse & uplift the spirit. These herbs are for supporting the nervous system, respiratory system, sensory nerves, thyroid, brain, & operational centers. These herbs may also inspire the ability to speak from the heart. They support us in finding the clarity needed within the internal chaos of emotion & illusion. These herbs also increase the removal of toxins in the respiratory system, making space for prana to flow through. Mercurial herbs may also support those in enhancing their clairvoyance & ability to communicate between the above & below.
Osha root has been a time-honored plant by many indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Its extraordinarily fragrant aromas are indicative of its incredible potency. It was traditionally used for high altitude sickness, colds, coughs, sore throat, cases of influenza, and pneumonia. Not only is this medicine absolutely delicious, but it is also an incredibly medicinal remedy that improves our immunity & overall lung health. This magical plant was typically used for cleansing & purifying spaces. Native American cultures also traditionally worked with Osha Root during sweat lodges to bring more oxygen into the lungs and to remove any negative impurities. This medicine was also seen as a plant talisman that is said to be utilized as a protection tool & to enhance psychic abilities.
Osha Root is also known as “Bear Root“ an emblematic medicine that carries the spirit of the bear. Bear Root was given its name from the observations of tribal peoples witnessing bears consuming this medicine after emerging from Winter’s slumber as a way to stimulate their appetite. Its roots also display the doctrine of signatures with its dark brown and hairy features as another indication of its affinity for the bear.
This particular Osha is sustainably harvested and native to the high altitudes of the San Luis Valley Mountains.
The Ritual: We may feel called to call on these particular archetypes when working with this medicine to assist us in finding our way back home to ourselves. Sacred Bear root, I call on you, allow me to remember how to be in sacred relationship with you. Show me the way of perceiving through the heart, of anchoring my thoughts into the lens of the soul.
INGREDIENTS: Wild-harvested Osha Root, Organic Cane Spirits, & Plant Salts.
DOSAGE: Shake well before use. 30 drops under the tongue, 3x daily.
Bottle Size: 2 oz
Ligusticum Porteri
Energetics: Warming, Drying, Pungent, Bitter
Organ Affinities: Respiratory, Circulatory, Immune
Actions: Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Carminative
Elements: Air & Fire
Planetary Correspondence: Mercury
Mythos, Folklore, & Esoterica:
Herbs of Mercury are said to strengthen & nourish the nerves, soothe the heart, and cleanse & uplift the spirit. These herbs are for supporting the nervous system, respiratory system, sensory nerves, thyroid, brain, & operational centers. These herbs may also inspire the ability to speak from the heart. They support us in finding the clarity needed within the internal chaos of emotion & illusion. These herbs also increase the removal of toxins in the respiratory system, making space for prana to flow through. Mercurial herbs may also support those in enhancing their clairvoyance & ability to communicate between the above & below.
Osha root has been a time-honored plant by many indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Its extraordinarily fragrant aromas are indicative of its incredible potency. It was traditionally used for high altitude sickness, colds, coughs, sore throat, cases of influenza, and pneumonia. Not only is this medicine absolutely delicious, but it is also an incredibly medicinal remedy that improves our immunity & overall lung health. This magical plant was typically used for cleansing & purifying spaces. Native American cultures also traditionally worked with Osha Root during sweat lodges to bring more oxygen into the lungs and to remove any negative impurities. This medicine was also seen as a plant talisman that is said to be utilized as a protection tool & to enhance psychic abilities.
Osha Root is also known as “Bear Root“ an emblematic medicine that carries the spirit of the bear. Bear Root was given its name from the observations of tribal peoples witnessing bears consuming this medicine after emerging from Winter’s slumber as a way to stimulate their appetite. Its roots also display the doctrine of signatures with its dark brown and hairy features as another indication of its affinity for the bear.
This particular Osha is sustainably harvested and native to the high altitudes of the San Luis Valley Mountains.
The Ritual: We may feel called to call on these particular archetypes when working with this medicine to assist us in finding our way back home to ourselves. Sacred Bear root, I call on you, allow me to remember how to be in sacred relationship with you. Show me the way of perceiving through the heart, of anchoring my thoughts into the lens of the soul.
INGREDIENTS: Wild-harvested Osha Root, Organic Cane Spirits, & Plant Salts.
DOSAGE: Shake well before use. 30 drops under the tongue, 3x daily.
Bottle Size: 2 oz