This section is dedicated to the Gods and Planets. Here you will find a description of each planetary archetype and corresponding deity

All the planets, gods, goddesses, & astrological signs represent an archetypal self. They are all seen as energetic aspects of the psyche. These archetypes play out in many different ways in our lives and represent our strengths & weaknesses. These symbols offer us wisdom, advice, and suggestions to integrate these archetypes into our psyche by developing healthy relationships with these celestial forces. The gods communicate with us through dreams, ritual work, meditation, our emotions, sensations, & symbolic imagery. The teachings of these archetypes take us on an inner dimensional journey by guiding us back to wholeness. The quest of the explorer into the esoteric and alchemical realms of symbolism is to do so from a holistic perspective as opposed to the current model of a scientific worldview that isolates and views our reality as purely intellectually understood through what we can see with our own eyes. These realms are understood through the development of our intuition, psychic capabilities, and trust in an underlying order. The goal of understanding the archetypes is to develop, transform, & refine each of these celestial energies within ourselves and to embody their highest virtues.


Element: Fire

Day of the Week: Tuesday

Astrological sign: Aries, Scorpio

Exaltation: Capricorn

Detriment: Taurus, Libra

Fall: Cancer

Tarot card: Strength, The Tower

Archetype: The Prince, The warrior

God: Ares

Metal: Iron

Medical Astrology: Head, muscles, adrenal glands, Blood, Male Repro, Immune System responses

Energetics: hot, intense, drying

Ayurvedic Constitution: Pitta

TCM: Yang

Humor: Choleric

Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Plants: Juniper, Nettle, Cayenne, Fireweed, Turmeric, Pricky ash, Echinacea, Devils Club, Sassafras, Ginger

Evolutionary teaching: Cultivation and Development of will and courage, Reclamation of personal power,

Mars is considered to be the “inner warrior” and is associated with the essence of the masculine principle. Traditionally mars is viewed as the god of war and destruction. However, from an evolutionary astrological perspective, we begin to view the traditionally viewed Malefic planet as motivation to underlying forces that can positively or negatively impact our lives if not well integrated into our psyche.

The quintessential archetype of Mars is attributed to malefic influences such as war, violence, intensity, aggression, and challenge. Mars has always been viewed as a planet of difficulty and destruction and is seen as the hottest & most drying planet in our solar system. however, it is important to take note that although Mars is traditionally viewed for its negative associations, on a fundamental level they represent underlying subconscious forces and our deepest wounds that lead us to deep-seated fears, phobias, frustrations, and other psychological complexes. When we begin to shine a light on the traditionally associated malefic energies of these planets we begin to recognize where our imbalances may lie and then may begin to recognize where these motivating forces stem from by learning to integrate the positive attributes of these planetary energies in a healthy dynamic. Typical Mars characteristics are known as the planet of action, energy, movement, motivation, drive, determination, strength, courage, willpower, & endurance.

Mars is attributed to the god Ares god of the battlefield, plague, epidemics, and all disasters. The energy of mars is considered to correspond to the mid-day sun when the sun is highest in the sky and its heat radiates at great strengths that scorch us and may burn our skin. This dynamic reflects the energies of the intensity of a martian influence. The energetics are very hot, warming, & masculine yang qualities. Mars is said to have more of a concentrated masculine energy and a destructive force that destroys and incinerates all things that it encounters. The dynamics of Mars force things to have the energy to move fast and quickly causing things to burn up and explode. Although the energy is fast and intense Mars forces liberation through the act of fire. Mars is the energy upon which one is impelled to act and once the urge to strike comes forth there is nothing in its way that may stop it, which may ultimately lead one to his defeat. There is also an association with Mars towards sex and aggression through desire and action.

The instinctual aspects of Mars when it emerges from the Plutonian underworld or the “unconscious” it is seen as an intensely sexual force. When the positive aspects of Mars are undeveloped we see someone with an insecure self lacking self-knowing or direction making them more prone to temporary satiation through sexual desires. The Sun and Mars have a powerful relationship with one another. The sun is exalted in Aries meaning that when the sun is in conjunction with Mars it has a stronger sense of purpose and has the ability to accomplish its divine authentic purpose. Mars is exalted in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn, meaning when the energy of Mars is in conjunction with Saturn the energy is disciplined and directed through self-determination and conscious intention.

Psychologically, we may see mars breaking down old conditioning through the forcing of the liberation of a more evolved self by removing the impure from the pure. Mars is considered to be the “slayer of demons” he is the archetype of the warrior that goes into battle with our inner demons. Its primary virtue is to generate the power and purpose within in order to come to terms with our inner demons. Rather than “defeat”, “destroy”, or “slay” we learn that It’s not about killing or getting rid of the "ego” our primary instincts seen as our demons or inner ghosts, its about learning how to be kind and gentle to ourselves and having the strength and courage to stand up to our fears and acknowledge our needs with kindness and compassion. The lesson of the primary intentions of this planet when well-integrated & developed into our psyche is aligning our divine will with our divine purpose and using it in a healthy and positive manner. Opposed to dominating or exerting our personal power over others.

The lessons of the archetype of Mars teach us how to have patience and trust within ourselves and to remind ourselves that there is no need to be in competition with others. That there is no need to try to force control upon others by breaking out of old patterns and comfort zones. Mars is the warrior that serves the “king” symbolically meaning that our divine will must serve our higher, authentic, and most aligned purpose. Through Mars, we learn to tame the tyrannical “beast” or also known as the “mind” by learning to surrender and live in balanced harmony. The king is also associated with the sun and the sun is at the center of our solar system. In medical astrology the sun is at the center of our being, it is our core essence of who we are and also associated with our heart our most authentic selves. When the warrior is in service to the “king” he is responding to the instincts of the heart working in co-creation. When Mars is well developed into our psyche we see its ability to move stagnation of the mind and body. However, the opposite can take an effect with too much or with an excess of this archetypal influence we may feel depleted or experience burnout by not knowing when enough is enough. These types of people with a heavy Mars influence in their chart continuously keep going and have poor judgment. People with a poorly influenced Mars may also be people who are selfish, self-centered, the world always revolves around them, control or dominate others, extremely defensive, they cannot perceive other perspectives, rigidness, stubbornness, emotionally reactive, anger easily, abuse their power over others, manipulative, insensitive, impulsive, forceful or pushy, competitive, & overly protective. When Mars is weakly aspected in our charts or there is a lack of energy from this celestial energy we may see people that are shy, have low energy, are afraid to be vulnerable to others and put themselves out there, lack an ability to take action and get things moving, lack direction & focus, lack of purpose.

Positively aspected Mars attributes would look like people who embody authenticity, have confidence in themselves, direction, ability to be strong and courageous, ability to remain open to others opinions and perspectives, flexible, patient, kind, gentle, becoming the peaceful warrior, has an ability to assert themselves and their truth when experiencing confrontation in a humble and grounded manner. Without the gift of mars, we wouldn’t have the motivation to go out and make a difference in the world or within ourselves. Mars and Pluto are the planetary rulers of Scorpio. When Mars is in association with Pluto it is about the strength and determination to journey into the underworld. The lessons we learn from Mars are about having the courage to heal our emotional wounds by having the openness and willingness to journey into the depths of the deepest layers of our being and our subconscious by making peace with our inner ghosts or traumas. In order to find what our true purpose is in this lifetime, this is a necessary process otherwise with an undeveloped Mars we may lack the motivation to confront what truly inhibits us and may never seek the courage to find our true purpose. Ultimately resulting in someone that projects their fears, anger, and frustration onto others because of their inability to be honest with themselves ultimately becoming a person that reacts based on desire and impulsion. An evolved Mars has the ability to assist us in facing our traumas and inner ghosts by giving us the energy and stamina to endure the fear of the shadow and ultimately reclaim our personal power. With an undeveloped Mars we are driven and fueled through our anger, frustrations, & hatred, which leads us towards separation, aggression, and unreasonable behaviors. However, when we learn to develop a healthy and positive relationship with this celestial force we learn to embrace change and fulfill the true purpose we are here to pursue in this lifetime.