Moon Milk (Fresh Milky Oat Tops) Spagyric Tincture


Avena Sativa

Energetics: Salty, Sweet, Cooling, Slightly Moistening

Organ Affinities: Nervous System, Autonomic & Enteric (gastrointestinal), Endocrine

Actions: Nutritive, Trophorestorative, Nervine relaxant, Anti-spasmodic

Elements: Air

Planetary Correspondence: Moon

Mythos, Folklore, & Esoterica:

Herbs of the Moon are said to strengthen our intuitive faculties, psychic centers, & emotional well-being. These herbs are connected to all the major fluids of the body, assisting them to regulate, eliminate, & nourish. Herbs of the moon also correspond to the stomach, digestion, the menstrual cycle, the uterus, & ovaries. It is said that when we become imbalanced and fall ill it is because of our vulnerability to emotional distress & anxiety. It is said that the Moon greatly influences the fluctuations of our hormones, moods, & thought patterns.

Fresh Milky Oat Tops are an extremely medicinal & restorative plant ally for the Nervous & Endocrine system. Both of these systems are easily depleted due to stressful lifestyles, poor diets, & an emotionally malnourished culture. This medicine replenishes burnt-out, damaged, fried, & withered-away nerves. It is a remedy that can be worked with for long-term use. Over time this ally will support the regeneration of the overall system.

Milky Oats are also known as nerve food or mother’s milk in the way that it rebuilds the body and provides us with optimal nutrition if taken on a regular basis. It is a medicine that provides nourishment & rejuvenation. Though it is not to be supplemented for adequate nutritional therapy, it can be utilized in conjunction with other dietary requirements. This plant is also high in essential vitamins & trace minerals making it extremely therapeutic for new mothers experiencing depletion. This medicine also supports those with emotional well-being due to mental exhaustion.

This is a great remedy that supports a taxed fight-or-flight response. Someone who is easily triggered, lacking mental clarity, focus, loss of libido, irritability, heart palpitations, & depression. Long-term nervous system depletion & dysregulation can result in a decreased vital force, leaving us susceptible to illness a lot faster. This is a remedy, particularly for perpetual states of chronic stress. It is also for the person that tends to overextend themselves to severe nervous exhaustion. This is for the person that has become extremely hypersensitive to the point where they do not even enjoy being touched. Mental & physical fragility is a common pattern for this medicine as well. The intention of this remedy is to support those in finding their inner mother. So that we may find the opportunity to provide ourselves with love, support, & healing.

The Ritual: We may feel called to call on these particular archetypes when working with this medicine to assist us in finding our way back home to ourselves. Medicine of the great mother, I call on you for your support in finding rest and rejuvenation. For your tender & loving embrace. Oh, great goddess, I am in sacred service to you.

INGREDIENTS: Homegrown Fresh Milky Oat Tops, Organic Cane Spirits, & Plant Salts.

DOSAGE: Shake well before use. 30 drops under the tongue, 3x daily.

Bottle Size: 2 oz

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Avena Sativa

Energetics: Salty, Sweet, Cooling, Slightly Moistening

Organ Affinities: Nervous System, Autonomic & Enteric (gastrointestinal), Endocrine

Actions: Nutritive, Trophorestorative, Nervine relaxant, Anti-spasmodic

Elements: Air

Planetary Correspondence: Moon

Mythos, Folklore, & Esoterica:

Herbs of the Moon are said to strengthen our intuitive faculties, psychic centers, & emotional well-being. These herbs are connected to all the major fluids of the body, assisting them to regulate, eliminate, & nourish. Herbs of the moon also correspond to the stomach, digestion, the menstrual cycle, the uterus, & ovaries. It is said that when we become imbalanced and fall ill it is because of our vulnerability to emotional distress & anxiety. It is said that the Moon greatly influences the fluctuations of our hormones, moods, & thought patterns.

Fresh Milky Oat Tops are an extremely medicinal & restorative plant ally for the Nervous & Endocrine system. Both of these systems are easily depleted due to stressful lifestyles, poor diets, & an emotionally malnourished culture. This medicine replenishes burnt-out, damaged, fried, & withered-away nerves. It is a remedy that can be worked with for long-term use. Over time this ally will support the regeneration of the overall system.

Milky Oats are also known as nerve food or mother’s milk in the way that it rebuilds the body and provides us with optimal nutrition if taken on a regular basis. It is a medicine that provides nourishment & rejuvenation. Though it is not to be supplemented for adequate nutritional therapy, it can be utilized in conjunction with other dietary requirements. This plant is also high in essential vitamins & trace minerals making it extremely therapeutic for new mothers experiencing depletion. This medicine also supports those with emotional well-being due to mental exhaustion.

This is a great remedy that supports a taxed fight-or-flight response. Someone who is easily triggered, lacking mental clarity, focus, loss of libido, irritability, heart palpitations, & depression. Long-term nervous system depletion & dysregulation can result in a decreased vital force, leaving us susceptible to illness a lot faster. This is a remedy, particularly for perpetual states of chronic stress. It is also for the person that tends to overextend themselves to severe nervous exhaustion. This is for the person that has become extremely hypersensitive to the point where they do not even enjoy being touched. Mental & physical fragility is a common pattern for this medicine as well. The intention of this remedy is to support those in finding their inner mother. So that we may find the opportunity to provide ourselves with love, support, & healing.

The Ritual: We may feel called to call on these particular archetypes when working with this medicine to assist us in finding our way back home to ourselves. Medicine of the great mother, I call on you for your support in finding rest and rejuvenation. For your tender & loving embrace. Oh, great goddess, I am in sacred service to you.

INGREDIENTS: Homegrown Fresh Milky Oat Tops, Organic Cane Spirits, & Plant Salts.

DOSAGE: Shake well before use. 30 drops under the tongue, 3x daily.

Bottle Size: 2 oz

Avena Sativa

Energetics: Salty, Sweet, Cooling, Slightly Moistening

Organ Affinities: Nervous System, Autonomic & Enteric (gastrointestinal), Endocrine

Actions: Nutritive, Trophorestorative, Nervine relaxant, Anti-spasmodic

Elements: Air

Planetary Correspondence: Moon

Mythos, Folklore, & Esoterica:

Herbs of the Moon are said to strengthen our intuitive faculties, psychic centers, & emotional well-being. These herbs are connected to all the major fluids of the body, assisting them to regulate, eliminate, & nourish. Herbs of the moon also correspond to the stomach, digestion, the menstrual cycle, the uterus, & ovaries. It is said that when we become imbalanced and fall ill it is because of our vulnerability to emotional distress & anxiety. It is said that the Moon greatly influences the fluctuations of our hormones, moods, & thought patterns.

Fresh Milky Oat Tops are an extremely medicinal & restorative plant ally for the Nervous & Endocrine system. Both of these systems are easily depleted due to stressful lifestyles, poor diets, & an emotionally malnourished culture. This medicine replenishes burnt-out, damaged, fried, & withered-away nerves. It is a remedy that can be worked with for long-term use. Over time this ally will support the regeneration of the overall system.

Milky Oats are also known as nerve food or mother’s milk in the way that it rebuilds the body and provides us with optimal nutrition if taken on a regular basis. It is a medicine that provides nourishment & rejuvenation. Though it is not to be supplemented for adequate nutritional therapy, it can be utilized in conjunction with other dietary requirements. This plant is also high in essential vitamins & trace minerals making it extremely therapeutic for new mothers experiencing depletion. This medicine also supports those with emotional well-being due to mental exhaustion.

This is a great remedy that supports a taxed fight-or-flight response. Someone who is easily triggered, lacking mental clarity, focus, loss of libido, irritability, heart palpitations, & depression. Long-term nervous system depletion & dysregulation can result in a decreased vital force, leaving us susceptible to illness a lot faster. This is a remedy, particularly for perpetual states of chronic stress. It is also for the person that tends to overextend themselves to severe nervous exhaustion. This is for the person that has become extremely hypersensitive to the point where they do not even enjoy being touched. Mental & physical fragility is a common pattern for this medicine as well. The intention of this remedy is to support those in finding their inner mother. So that we may find the opportunity to provide ourselves with love, support, & healing.

The Ritual: We may feel called to call on these particular archetypes when working with this medicine to assist us in finding our way back home to ourselves. Medicine of the great mother, I call on you for your support in finding rest and rejuvenation. For your tender & loving embrace. Oh, great goddess, I am in sacred service to you.

INGREDIENTS: Homegrown Fresh Milky Oat Tops, Organic Cane Spirits, & Plant Salts.

DOSAGE: Shake well before use. 30 drops under the tongue, 3x daily.

Bottle Size: 2 oz